4:52 p.m.

I discovered an entire subset of people today; a subset I had no idea existed.

I'm talking, of course, about the Michael Jackson apologists.

A mildly heated argument erupted in the hallway outside my office, so obviously I had to join in. I thought they were joking, the two defending MJ. They weren't. There's nothing wrong with what he's doing, they said. He's just childlike. To which I replied: Bull. And shit.

I asked them to forget about all the child molestation charges for a moment; how many grown adults did they know that spend large amounts of time with prepubescent children? And no, I'm not talking about parents, teachers, mentors, or clergy. Not too many, I'm guessing. And if you knew, say, a 40 year old guy whose social life revolved around 13 year old boys, well that wouldn't be quite appropriate.

No, they said, MJ is beyond all that. He just wants to be a positive role model. No, I'm sorry, that just doesn't work. If you want to be a positive role model to impressionable youth, you show them the value of hard work and determination. You show them the power to overcome adversity. You do not lead them into a world of make believe and you never, never, invite them in to your bed.

Michael Jackson was sued for molesting a 13 year old. The night before he was to be deposed, he agreed to pay the boy's family $25 million dollars if they would drop the case.

Guilty? Not for me to decide. But it sure looks that way.

leave me a note, fool!

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