1:44 p.m.

T-minus 17 hours until my plane leaves for Vegas, and I can't concentrate on one damn thing.

Slowly but surely, the massive pile of work sitting on my desk is taking care of itself. But, I assure you, it's not due to a staggering level of concerntraion on my part. I sat down at 8:30, started working, zoned out for a few hours, and the stack is a fraction of its former self. Magic, huh?

I think these few days away are going to be very good for me here. Latey it seems that I'm learning more about the Pennsylvania criminal justice system than I ever wanted to know. I sat in a courtroom for a good sized chunk of Monday. The testimony was cold, and it was clinical, and I now know exactly how my cousin died. I don't know if it's an old wound that has yet to heal or an entirely new one. But I know I hurt and I know I feel....well, haunted.

And so, perhaps, a few days away from all this is a good thing. I can pretend that the world is made of neon and roulette wheels and all you can eat buffet comps. That's fine. No, scratch that, that's exactly what I need.

In any case, my plans while I'm out there involve a little gambling, some cheap eats, and the great Fatburger-In and Out Burger Taste Test.

Me? I'm a man with goals.

leave me a note, fool!

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