3:42 p.m.

This, just so you know, is the fifth entry I've written. The previous four were deleted. I didn't like them. The first two were too self-important. The third was too sappy and the fourth only made it through it's first paragraph before it was sacrificed at the alter of unfunny writing.

So whoop-dee-doo. You've got the fifth. And what a kickass piece of where-the-hell-have-you-been it's gonna be.

Well, alright, maybe not technically "kickass". But definietly not horrible. I hearby promise you before God and Queen Victoria that this entry will not give you nosebleeds or make you pray for death. A stubbed toe, maybe. But that's as bad as it'll get.

I, if you haven't noticed, have not reliably updated for quite some time now. I've been through a hell of alotover the past 9 months or so. While this journal is the perfect forum for sharing my Pepsi-machine humping escapades and random political diatribes, it also is not so much the place for me to air serious life happenings. At least not the emotionally turbulent kind. So I kinda left becuase I had to. My family's mastered the dysfunctional art of internalizing and I suppose what I've done is extend that to d*land.

So for that, at least, I'm sorry.

Some of you have some inkling of What's Gone On and some of you have emailed or signed the guestbooks and I can't even tell you how important that was, no is, to me.

There comes a time to stop dwelling and to move on and god damn it, that time is right now.

So that's-a what I'm gonna do. The particulars are these:

The Job is the same.
The housing is the same.
Someone has left my life.
Someone else is entering.

That's really all that's important in order to bring you all up to speed. Also know that I'm busier than I've been in a long time and very, very happy with my life.

So, in case you have severe reading between the lines issues.....

(for real this time)

leave me a note, fool!

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