

I will go into detail on New Year's Eve. (No I didn't hookup with Jul; yes I did manage to get a lil' lovin) I am still slightly hungover and just generally tired so work = hell today. That combined with my immersion into DSL line technology is turning my brain into something resembling cream of wheat. My roomie and I are trying to network our apt so that I can connect via his DSL line - lets just say its no walk in the park....

But the point of this entry is to plug the journal of my new pal, Beth B. Beth writes 'She.Stays.Intact' over here at diaryland and all-in-all is a joy to read. I got a (kinda)plug on her page but because I sometimes lapse into idiot mode did not include my URL.

So all in all - I feel like crap but will be ok tomorrow; NewYear's was fun (the parts I can remember) and go read Beth's diary! It kicks alotta ass.

till later -


..oh yeah, beth... I am a punk, just trapped in my business casual body...

leave me a note, fool!

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