3:59 p.m.

Awww... Dammit dammit dammit!

I had a really good entry written and now it's gone. Apparently alt-tabbing and then hiding your taskbar will resize and erase an entry in progress.


The price I pay for hiding my procrastinatory tendencies, I s'pose.

The beach was good. By the time I got there on Friday, Dad had already told his fam of the financial woes. He was drunk when I got there, but I can't really fault him. If I had to face the music he's facin' I'd be...well... faced!

At some point during the weekend (which I'm both relieved and upset that I missed), the floodgates broke and dad and the fam stopped being weird to eachother and started talking about his financial situation. Friday Night=internalization; Sunday Morning=externalization. Healthy, I guess.

I feel like being funny right now, but the Reservoir of Needless Humor is sadly dry right now.

I am unfunny.

leave me a note, fool!

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