2:27 p.m.

It is never cold in my office. Never.

In the wintertime, not so much of a problem. All the cubePeople are lighting their TPS reports on fire in a futile attempt to avoid frostbite while I am toasty warm; feet propped on desk, smile firmly etched on face.

In the summer though, it's a problem. Little bit. They're enjoying air-conditioned luxury while I am struggling to fight the effects of heat stroke in my stuffy corner of hell on earth.

All this to say; it's frickin' freezing in my office, Mr. Bigglesworth. Oh, I thought I was being all smart this morning. Putting on the short sleeves to try and squeeze one eensy bit of comfort out of my otherwise sauna-on-steriods. Buuut noooo......

I am actually looking forward to the normally useless Thurday one-on-one with theBoss. (that almost sounds porn-ish)

I'm looking forward to it becuase it'll give me a chance to bring my core temperature up.

Oh. Hey johnTheSecurityGuard.....

I walk around alot, ok? I have meetings to go to. I have people to see. I have reports to drop off. Sometimes, I have vending machines to ogle.

I get it. I walk past your podium alot.

The jokes about me goofing off and never being at my desk were funny. At first. Not so much anymore.

I get it.

You're really a nice guy, it's just time for this little humor train to leave the station. That way I can get some work done instead of faux-joking with you.

Got it?

leave me a note, fool!

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