8:45 p.m.

Remember how I'm the Pepsi Machine Humper? And also how I'm the guy who makes up lame expressions?

Yeah. I'm an idiot. We've already established that.

Today I got the feeling that, to some people at least, that I'm "the gay guy".

Which, really, is an interesting position to be in. I mean, on the one hand, if my suspicions are correct, one of my work-friends is off base on something pretty integral to what makes me, well, me. My sexuality. On the other hand, she's really just that, a work-friend, and since I don't really mix my work and personal lives, I don't have a problem letting her hang on to her assupmtions. Because, I think if I tried to set her straight (ha!) whatever I said would sound to me something like "Hey, babe. I'm totally not, you know, gay or anything." So seventh grade.

I'm gay, I'm straight - whatever. What's really important is where we're gonna go to lunch.

leave me a note, fool!

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