6:53 p.m.

Today I got up twenty minutes late and then I ate breakfast and then I left for work and then my low-fuel light came on and then I stopped for gas and the I realized that made me ten minutes late for work and then I sped and then I got to my desk and then some people tried to get sordid details from the weekend and then I read 67 emails (in a row) and then I returned 8 voicemails and then I "participated" in a meetring and then I finally got to do work and then I left for a lunch meeting and then I ate some Chicken Cheaspeake and then I was told it was my turn to pay and then I drove directly to another meeting and then I rolled my eyes alot and then I went back to my desk and returned 3 voicemails and 12 emails and then I sprinted downstairs and then I helped out our Payroll Director with a little SQL wizardry and then I ran back to my desk and grabbed some proposals and a pen and sprinted across the street and then I sat down for a two hour meeting and then I pretended to understand things that confused me and then I snuck out to check my voicemail and grab a soda and then I returned to the meeting and then the meeting broke up and then I flirted with the pretty receptionist and then I left for home and then I decided to eat first and go buy a CD player second and then I cooked dinner and then I sat on the couch and now I have no motivation to do anything tonight.

Not like my day was busy or anything.

leave me a note, fool!

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