12:05 a.m.

I'm terribly tired, but here are some thoughts:

Someone from Labatt keeps reading my diary. I can't tell you how cool this is. Not that their fine brew was my 1st exposure to Canada, but it is still a reminder of the greatness of our neighbor to the north. And, if they want to send me free beer and/or a tshirt, that'd be cool too, eh.

I f*cking bit it when I was running up to the roofdeck tonight. See, whenever there's any police activity on the block, those of us with the roofdecks go up to spectate. Which I tried to do tonight. But I tripped over myself and now have a pretty big lump on my knee and a dent (that's right, a dent!) in my shin. Ouch!

After work, I was driving home, listening to a little Air Supply and excited to watch the Enterprise eps I taped last night. And all I could think was, "Damn I'm a geek."

My new friend was smiling today because *i'm* her new friend and that makes me smile even bigger.

leave me a note, fool!

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