9:47 p.m.

Ok, as promised, here are some pics from my walk around Federal Hill yesterday.....

Cross Street Market in all its glory. Ok, technically its glory isn't blurry.

This is the view looking east from the top of Federal Hill itself. The buildings below belong to the American Visionary Art Museum. The two-masted schooner belongs to the Living Classrooms Foundation. The scenery belongs to my heart. Shut up.

After I left the Hill, I found myself behind these ladies. Meter Maids. But the thing was, they walked right down the middle of the street like a posse out of an old western. I'm amused by the little things.

The pic does it no justice, but this is, by far, one of the nicest (and only) side yards in Federal Hill. It's always nice to find little patches of green in the sea of brick and concrete.

This is actually just down the block from my house. Some little old lady nailed it to the side of her house that faces the alley. There's something completely sincere and mildly funny about the whole thing.

This is a billboard that I pass on my way home from work. Baltimore Believe is a program designed to instill pride in out fair city. And their billboard is in shambles. Irony, thy name is....ermmm... something ironic.

leave me a note, fool!

designed by mocksie.
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