5:29 p.m.

On the flight back from Vegas, all I wanted was to sit by the window and to look down on my country from far above.

I got the window seat. It was cloudy the whole way.

Well, that's not entirely true. I did see a dinner plate sized chunk of the Grand Canyon and what may have been the peak of a Rocky Mountain hiding amongst the clouds. I saw the Ohio River as I descended into the Louisville layover and I saw my office building as we landed at BWI.

If I'm travelling great distances, I like to see great distances. That's why I've always liked car travel. Sure your ass hurts, but you know you've really gone somewhere. If I don't get that sense of distance, that sense of vastness that comes with any long travel; I think I lose the sense of wonder at being somewhere. And then coming home.

And then, the President spoke last night.

I've said it here, I've said it to family and friends. I've defined, redefined, questioned, and rehashed my position dozens of times. I've thought about it so much, I'm sick of thinking about it. It has become so real that anything else seems unreal.

I support this war. But I don't look forward this war.

Regardless, war is coming.

Quite possibly, the "first" shots will be fired in just about 26 hours. There will be fire and there will be death and people, most of them Iraqi, will most certainly die. Despite our high minded hope for a better tomorrow, once more we'll be shown the face of today's real world.

I support this war, I support the President. I want Saddam gone, I want Iraq free. I want the US, the MidEast, the EU, and all others to feel safe.

But I worry.

I worry about our troops.
I worry about the people of Iraq.
I worry about those risking so much to support the US.

I worry about this new threat of terror.

And that's it, mostly.

I worry about us.

I worry about us.

leave me a note, fool!

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