4:35 p.m.

I just spent a good hour writing a piece on how, with all that's going on, I can't get my head out of the 19th century.

I had a good 500 words or so written when I realized it was, in fact, complete crap. Maybe some or all of it will rear it's fugly head here, but then again maybe not.

I piss myself off when I write and write and write about a Big Issue and then cna't figure out what point I'm trying to make.

Oh well.

A pretty uneventful weekend, but a nice one all the same. Went out with friends and watch the Maryland game at the bar on Friday night. MD hit the winning shot right at the buzzer. I have never seen a happier bar in my almost 26 years of existence. If I weren't already, it would have been quite intoxicating. Sunday I slept late and then found a park and read for a while. There's nothing quite like reading in the sun with some trees behin you and the water before you. Oh yeah, that an a fat guy wearing only shorts 'sunbathing' in a car next to you. What's that? One hand down his pants and talking to himself? Why yes, he did and he was.

Yesterday, agian, involved sleeping way too late. It did, however, involve delicious burritos and the mummified remains of a two-headed giant, so I guess the day wasn't a total wash.

At Church, the point of the Homily was basically "do good". Well, thanks Catholic Church, thanks for going out on a limb there. So you mean, I'm *not* supposed to go into a pet store and kick the kittens? Thanks for clearing that one up for me.

I don't know what I want to do, but I want to do something tonight.

And if it involved strippers and chocolate icing, I wouldn't complain.

I'm just sayin'.

leave me a note, fool!

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