5:01 p.m.

Ever have one of those blah days but don't really know why? Yeah, that's today for me.

Maybe it's the snit my roomie and I got into earlier. He called me on the fact that I hadn't been pulling my weight around the house and I got all snitty and defensive until I realized that he was right. And then I got mad at myself for sucking at chores and for getting mad at him. I hate the fact that I think I'm infallible. It's nothing I'm ever concious of, it's always a realization after the fact.

But then, I just got a voicemail from she-who-knows-who-she-is and things are somehow a little less blah. Yeah, I know I said I wouldn't write about you. But if I don't give away your name or places or things we did and don't say anything here that should really be kept private, it's ok, right? I mean, I just want to tell the world that you make me feel less blah. Wait, that sounded alot less like the compliment I meant it to be. I suppose it lost something in the translation. It's just that you turn bad days into good ones. And I wanted to thank you for that. In public, apparently.

And finally, how much harder is it to write fiction than I thought it would be? My deadline for this contest is Friday. I don't think I'm going to make the deadline. The limit is 2500 words, which I'm told is about 5 pages. I've got 3/4 of a page. I mean, I still have more to write, but something tells me I'm in no danger of over shooting the limit. It's kinda cool though, b/c even though my character isn't me, it's *me*. Know what I mean? So when I put him into this situation that I made up, I don't have to sit there and wonder how he'd react. I just know. Because it's me, fool.

Now, I know some of you hardcore fiction-writing junkies are rolling your eyes and wondering how dense I must be to have taken 25 years to latch on to the concept of basing characters after yourself. But back off. My writing background is entrenched in dirty haikus. Not too much use of character there.

Just smut. In 5, 7, and 5 syllables.

leave me a note, fool!

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